
Sure you use LinkedIn and even Twitter. You’ve been on FaceBook and maybe you have your own website and blog. But do you really know how to leverage these social media tools?

Constant Social Media Networker (CSMN) aims to fill the void from busy work to profitable work but giving you focused, proven actions, that drive home the results you want.

Meet Cys Bronner

Meet Cys Bronner, Constant Social Media Networker & BNI Executive Director

Cys Bronner is Executive Director and CRO (Chief Referral Officer) of BNI4Success, BNI’s Greater Los Angeles leading Business Networking Organization.

BNI was founded in 1985. The organization has almost 6,800 chapters throughout every populated continent of the world. Last year alone, BNI generated 6.9 million referrals resulting in $3.1 billion dollars’ worth of business for its members.

As BNI Executive Director and International speaker, Cys Bronner, has spoken at various high level conventions and universities in addition to numerous public appearances on TV, the radio, and online.

Not new to marketing, word-of-mouth, social media or otherwise, she has produced and participated in high profile webcast events such as The Grammys, The 1996 Summer Olympics in Atlanta, Former President Jimmy Carter at the UN Summit in Turkey, and interviews with Nelson Mandela, the late science fiction writer Douglas Adams (A Hitchiker’s Guide To The Galaxy), and Metallica – but not all at once.

Now, more than ever, business people need to network to stay in business. BNI provides a positive, supportive and structured environment to exchange quality business referrals.

BNI is the largest business networking organization in the world; offering members the opportunity to share ideas, contact and most importantly, business referrals.

Belonging to BNI is like having dozens of sales people working for you because all the other members carry several copies of your business cards around with them. When they meet someone who could use your products or services they hand your card out and recommend your services. It’s as simple as that!

It’s simple because it’s based on the proven concept of “what goes around, comes around.” If I help you, you’ll help me and we will both benefit as a result. Would you like to increase your business by 20%, 30%, 50% or as much as 100%? You can see results like this! Many have. Some participants have added as many as 50 new clients in the first 2 years!!!

The philosophy of this organization is built upon the idea of “Givers Gain®”: By giving business to others, you will get business in return. This is predicated on the age-old idea of “What goes around, comes around.”

The mission of BNI is to help members increase their business through a structured, positive, and professional “word-of-mouth” program that enables them to develop long-term, meaningful relationships with quality business professionals.

BNI provides a structured and supportive system of giving and receiving business. 
It does so by providing an environment in which you develop personal relationships with dozens of other qualified business professionals. By establishing this “formal” relationship with other people, you will have the opportunity to substantially increase your business.

On a personal note, BNI4Success‘ Executive Director, Cys Bronner is a first generation American and attributes all her success to watching her family build post-World War II lives and businesses from their new beginning in the United States. It was this history of hard work ethics and her own personal determination that enabled Cys to start her business with only seven dollars, a dream and a whole lotta Word of Mouth Marketing!

In networking: The more memorable (positive and helpful) you are, the better the results. Questions? Feel free to call BNI Executive Director Cys Bronner 866-889-3466 or email her at Cys.Bronner@BNI4success.com
Her motto: BNI, Making word of mouth marketing work for you

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